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Thermal Power Project Runs Smoothly at SSEZ
Publisher:admin  Date:2019-7-30 9:28:51  Click:7732

  The beginning of July comes the rain season of Cambodia. However, it does not affect the construction of SSEZ’s thermal power project. Cars running thorough the Hong Sen avenue, pedestrians walking along it and engineers, technicians, construction dedicating to their works indicate that project is under tight construction.

  According to manager of Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone Thermal Power Co., Ltd Zhu Xuefeng, the project has a clear division of work that they mainly take charge of the preparation and supervision work while WuXiGuoLian HuaGuang Power Engineering Co., Ltd. mainly contracts to build. So far, the pile foundation construction has been completed. Building machinery will be brought into site to start the next phase construction. Every link is under strict control to ensure quality. It is learned that the project is the first domestic cogeneration project of Cambodia, with a total planned constructed scale to be 5 boilers and 4 machines of which capacity is up to 100MW. The total construction scale of going to be 5 boilers and 4 machines with a total amount of 100MW power.

  After the completion of the first phase, annual power supply is supposed to be 19 million kilowatts and annual hear supply to be 540 thousand tons to ensure the supporting service of SSEZ, in order to attract leading enterprises and projects to settle in and to promote industry upgrading. In spite of that, it will improve expansion of industries and perfection of links to strengthen SSEZ’s competitiveness and help building SSEZ 2.0 upgrading. By the end of October, 2020, test run of 2 boilers and 1 machine would be completed.


Sihanoukville Special Economy Zone in Cambodia
Add:No.4 National Road 212km,Prey Nob District,Preah Sihanouk,Cambodia

